GB Oncology and Imaging

GB Oncology and Imagining has been established to meet the demands of developing oncology clinics in Africa. In the process of putting in place an oncology clinic, GBOIG forms local and international partnerships to create the most effective cancer and infectious disease treatment plan, based on local needs. These vary from surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, targeted therapies or a combination. All treatments have been developed by licensed medical professionals who have had years of experience in pharmacology, toxicology, and cancer research.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in developing countries – there are more deaths in the world from cancer than from AIDS, TB and malaria combined. Specifically in Africa, facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer are minimal and in most cases there aren’t national cancer control programs in place. It is estimated that sub-Saharan Africa will see approximately a million new cancer cases this year and it is predicted that the number of new cases will double within the next decade. Additionally, due to low cancer awareness in Africa, it is estimated 80% of all patients with cancer will not be seen until the cancer is in the advanced stage of the disease. While at least 55% of all cancers in Africa have an indication for radiotherapy, facilities are available in only 23 of Africa’s 53 countries, reaching less than 5% of the continental population. Even if the cancers were detected in the early stages, there is inadequate access to effective treatment. Given the severe limited access to radiotherapy, the case for urgent need of radiotherapy in Africa is clear.

Healthcare For All, Inc., a non-profit, was established in 1994 to educate the public about inequities in access to healthcare, both domestic and international, and to strive for answers to these issues. It’s Founder, Dr. Gloria Herndon also concurrently headed a successful insurance brokerage, GB Herndon and Associates, which provided health/life insurance products to businesses and many of the foreign embassies. As both an industry insider and a small business owner, she witnessed many healthcare system problems firsthand and determined to do something about it. Healthcare For All is building upon its Founder’s strong network of connections to Africa. In collaboration with GB Oncology and Imaging Group, Healthcare For All is raising the funds necessary to fund and build cancer treatment centers where there presently are none. The people of Malawi will be the first beneficiaries of this initiative with the development of an oncology clinic at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Blantyre. Additional clinics will follow in other countries as resources grow.

At Immune Therapeutics our goal is to benefit patients with chronic and often life-threatening diseases through the activation and rebalancing of the body’s immune system using our patented immunotherapy. Our products, technologies, and patents are designed to harness the power of the immune system to improve the treatment of cancer and infections, such as HIV/AIDS and autoimmune diseases. We are currently developing active and adoptive forms of immunotherapies. Our most advanced clinical programs involve immunotherapy with methionine-enkephalin (MENK) or low dose naltrexone, which both work by triggering opioid receptors on immune cells and lead to an activation and expansion of various cells in the immune system.

In partnership with American Hospitals and Resorts [AHR] GBOIG is able to provide expertise in end-to-end oncology clinic development. AHR has expertise in all components involved in the development of an oncology clinic from building design, training, staffing, equipment, laboratory analysis, treatment protocol, literature, preventive and continuous care, just to name a few.

Immune Rehabilitating Therapy

Cell based immunotherapy is a major entity of cancer immunotherapy. This involves immune cells such as the Natural killer Cells (NK cells), Lymphokine Activated killer cell (LAK), Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTLs), Dendritic Cells (DC), etc., which are either made active in vivo by administering certain cytokines such as Interleukins or they are isolated, enriched and transfused to the patient to fight against cancer

Surgical Oncology

Depending on the type of tumor, radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy may be required before or after surgery.


Chemotherapy uses medications that destroy the cancer cells.

Radiation Oncology

Radiation therapy uses direct beams of radiation (forms of X-rays) to burn or destroy the cancer cells, and is effective for certain tumors and types of cancer. The radiation department will combine an experienced radiation oncology team, and will provide the most advanced technology we can offer that will provide the best chance for healing and recovery.